Saturday, November 24, 2007
[True Friend Test]

rainbowballoon opened her Johari Window at 1:56 PM...

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"sijie: i cannot begin to count how many disasters you've helped to pull me through. i think monday was a huge indicator of how much of a friend you are to me. you are a wonderful girl, i can foresee a great future ahead of you. really. :) thank you for always giving me what i really need, not what i want."

siti's (dramatic) blog -- oct 6

was also touched when angela and mike say i'm most likely to succeed on facebook's superlative function. hmm tho i wouldn't say im close to them.. im wondering what is it abt me tt has the 'will succeed' factor? maybe it's my politeness?? at least i try to be civil to all i see..

ps = i've nt come here for a friggin 3 mths alr?!

[C]Warner Brothers
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