since one quarter of my life (currently) was spent here and nearly four years of momories were documented in this blog, it's time to recall the past and say thank you to the people who have made my days in school easier to pass. i shall try to list them by date, ie sec1-sec4.
holidays are flying away and school's approaching.. as i think back on how i spent my time, i feel like i've wasted a large part of it. what i've been doing is mainly eating, sleeping, 24/7 slacking,
oh my!! someone posted "OH i heard from a friend (she read it on that hanakimi's showing in singapore on 14th feb 2007! channel u, weekdays, 7-8pm!" on cool, starting on vday! (but dunno whtr confirmed or not) tangyuzhe is like shuai dao1 in this pic!
My Boyfriend is Type B
i have jumped onto the bandwagon (am i using this phrase correctly..?) and am currently watching ...*come some music* HANA KIMI (taiwan version). all right im a bit slow. i'd not have watched it this early had it not been for sis. but at least i don't have to keep chasing the episodes cos not all episodes are released bwaha :D nice right! made by icetears- (i think) from
i achieved my target and finished iswak by sunday. ok it was 12.35am on monday to be exact.
yep added some new songs to the playlist, just right on top of this post. ISWAK ost is very nice. i like nearly all the songs. but got a shock when i learnt that 'say u love me' is the theme song of the show.. but aft watching, it grew on me la. before i watched the show i alr like the songs (sis borrowed the cd). not i biased ok, i listened to Tokyo Juliet ost not nice one. but this one strongly recommended!
went orchard with kd n sab. burnt a hole in my pocket. spent all my $ on food. i returned home only with 3 five cent coins in my wallet. tried many new food.
went vivocity w/ mx cos she needed to buy her friend a birthday pressie. she was late as usual. she left her hse at 1.45pm when we're supposed to meet at harbourfront stn at 2pm. so she arrived at 2.40pm. anw i met yingqi who was so nice as she guided me through the mazes of mrt so i can reach harbourfrnt safely! haa she had some volunteer instructor camp red cross thingy. vivo really big lo. we nearly cldnt find our way back to the mrt. haa lucky i brought 直通車 (didnt want to waste $ not readin what i bought + hopefully can improve chn) to kill time while waiting.. but i didnt read la. in the end i went to candy empire. and the place has so many mouth-watering sweet treats! and got alot of buy 1 get 1 free offers too! then headed to TS and found a korean drama which sab wants i tink. ya and i bought a bracelet for myself! which i thought was quite nice and affordable. first time buy accessory for myself oh! it's a first step to becoming hip -.- baichi. sis says very 'blingbling' haaaa.
recently i've been watching the taiwanese version of "It started with a kiss", a drama aka 惡作劇之吻。i've watched the jap one before and it's funny+nice. watched it in psch and i even spent like $20 (in p sch my pocket $ = <$2 a day)to buy the show cos i was quite smitten with the male lead yiriyeku.
4th dec mon: kun, sab and me went back too, but we accomplished whatever we had to do (sort out some science files the teachers use) very fast within an hour. then ms tee also didnt know what else we can help with so we went home. Called sab along cos she wanted to go to bedok lib to borrow books which can teach her conversational korean. I went to the gym section but couldn't use the weighing machine properly cos i dunno my height in inches. suddenly the machine said i was heavier than 100kg cos i just gave an inaccurate input of height. sab was super resourceful (kun too). cos in a short while i think she managed to borrow 8 korean bks with a CD to boot!
today i went out with mx. we were supposed to meet at 1pm but she arrived at 2.04pm i think. haha it was ok cos i was at tamp lib choosing books to borrow (in the end settled for a Holocaust one) and played with the fun science exhibitions again!! you should go too! there are quite a few physics concepts, but i think the little kids will not understand because they were simply meddling with the things and they did not even read the descriptions on the cards. for example, the tictactoe game. the kids were simply throwing the pingpong balls around (and i just rmbed the balls were dented). anyway i finally figured out how to make a bridge! a girl trying in vain to build a bridge. important instructions. i didnt know "bottom support" meant the semicircle piece of wood! what we are supposed to do is to place the semicircle in the middle and assemble the rest of the pieces. after building the bridge, pull out the semicircle and test if your bridge is stable. (these pics jus cant seem to be arranged properly) oh so mx finally arrived and we headed to bai2mei3 to eat. first time buying rojak myself! got a shock at the $4 bill but there was really a lot of food! Very sinful, very oily, very crispy, very fried but really nice :D i was hungry. then we headed to shop+save (i think) upstairs and bought mineral water. but got 'cheated' cos the price tag says 40c but the cashier charged us 55c cos she says the drink is refrigerated. at citylink mall there was some lady playing a harp, and she was playing "merry little xmas" one of my blog songs!! COOL! then headed to marina square and started searching for "beadpassion". there were some wierd cartoon chars downstairs whom i dunno. nvm turned out that the shop closed down alr. HAHA we walked ard, and saw this kinda nice shop ("ro" something) selling necklaces, dreamcatchers and other accessories. i like their wooden and 'beachy' feel. then trooped over to esplanade. cos mx says she wanna go to the lib there but when we reached she chnged her mind. haa ok so went hm by mrt. along the way there were some cheem art exhibitions agn. quite interesting. i looked in one of the mirrors and horror! saw some red spots (rojak remains) stuck btwn my teeth. and mx didnt tell me! and i rmbed, just now the shopkeeper at the ro-shop was telling me about their special promotion and i was smiling nicely at her. such a wide and dirty grin. alright tt's all bubbye.
just finished watching deathnote on youtube which is such a gr8 invention! amazin, i finally completed a show! next up is matrix. somehow it feels more of an accomplishment than real entertainment. maybe school stress hasnt left me --- totally crazy. anyway the show will have been much nicer if i'd not known some spoilers told to me by di. anw some parts are quite weird..
a big KAMSAMIDA to cewanne, kendra, felicia, kunhui, carol, fawn, serene, simin, shermin, sabrina, shengjie, yiying, josephine, sihui, geraldine, chermaine, yagnya and yu ting!
THANK YOU because in some way or another, at one time or another, you have offered or given me help/car rides, brought me laughter, or just lent me your company!
First days at school
A senior tapped me on the back as she mistook me for another person. plus I think I got booked for not wearing nametag and badge. I remember Orientation was really fun (esp the one at night), and one of my first few friends are Shermin, kd, Feli and Kun. went home with shermin and kd and we made lots of jokes, and kept laughing. and i think we also had a 'sister' group thingy.. what da jie, er jie.. and dunno who, tink it's feli said i look very scary with a torch under my face! HAHA.
I had a lookalike by the name of Lydia who's a senior in Choir. she's a fairer and non-spectacled version of me (pls dont compare who's prettier HAHAHA). no wonder at TIP (talent identification programme), quite a few seniors asked me:"do u have a sister?" too bad didnt take photos with her. Not only were my looks 'stolen', my name was also 'stolen'. Cause there's a janice lsj in another class. but i have another 'actual' twin in my own class: tt's sijia! our names only differ by one letter! cool right. and many people initially thought we were sisters.. i think mrs loy got tricked and she was not too happy when the truth was revealed?! HAHAH cew tt time told me she kinda told the classes she taught abt us?!
S&N, my sec1 and 2 clique! i think it was fawn who gave us this name.. the 'nerdy' part (haha) but we added 'steady' to it :D
I met Kendra in the hall when we were filling up this form for bowling TIP. cause i asked her and jingchun whether it is counted if i've been to bowling once or sth. and they were quite nice and kd's head zoomed like a snake to answer my query.
Dunno how I met Feli but I thought she looks like the quiet and nice type so i kept pestering her (and kun) and asking questions. and to think that she disliked me at first sight! hahaha i must have been too irritating.
As for carol, only knew her much later, and we were grouped together to do Home Econs project. and i think she confessed later that she was rather unhappy at that time cos she didnt get to work with simin HAHA!
Computer Club
Didnt get into any TIP (except softball first round.. and there i met a nice senior who looks like the tk doll) so didnt really know which cca to join. but aft discussing with cew, we decided to join comp club. really no regrets.
it's shld be renamed slackers' club, and yi ying's like always playing comp games throughout the entire lessons! LOL.. and we get to eat while enjoying aircon. basically i didnt really pick up much inside cos i think i did not pay 100percent attn either ): but we get cca points for joining competitions which is wierd becos i certainly did not represent the school in any. i tink they count our entries/effort as that la even if they were not chosen in the end.. but sheng did the most la, for the video thing. so guilty! i had fun inside and it was becos of compclub (CC) tt i met sab, sheng, yiying and of course other members!
but this CC Teacher post is as jinxed as the post for Defence Against the Dark Arts. I think we changed teachers yearly. Firstly there was Mr Lim, Mr Duffy, Mr Hay, and now Mr Leow... the tchers nv get angry and most of them are really nice.
When I first started school, I remember planning to meet Qinyu at 6am to go to school together.. then she didnt turn up at the time and I was so nervous I'll be late. Gradually, as years went by, I left the house later and later .. and by sec4, it's 6.45am when I step out of the house door. it's no wonder i've been booked quite a few times for being late!
My hair has always been messy, qiao4 and short in sec1, birdnest-like in sec2, still untidy in sec3 (rmb stefanie once told me: ur hair is overgrown. hahaaa). only this year did I decide to try keeping it long. but my hair is still in need of makeover la.. noticed alot of ppl changed lengths of their hair this yr. it may have been due to olvl stress hahaa.
long to short: andrea, amelia, shengjie, kd, gee, elisse, fawn
short to long: me, sooboon
So ironic, we've been discussing in jest since sec3 or something: 'have u prepared ur prom dress?' but when it was organised, we didnt go. haha, ticket so ex..and need to prepare so many things in advance.. dress, shoes, hair, makeup. biang. but nvm jc still have..
Tried a few new things during this 4yr period.. eg kbox, autograph sessions (to leehom's and fann's w/ sab HAHA), ordering rojak myself, jobs, eating the worth of my money at sakae buffet, late for movie (she's the man?!), taking cab to sch (w/ ferena, charmaine, xiaotian cos tt time we were gonna be late)..
Special Mention
been in the same sch with cew and hannah for 10yrs alr, farhana's 9 yrs! each of us have some accomplishments in our own right and made qnps proud (er?!?!) .. eg cew got into science competition and her face's plastered on the banner hung at the school gate. farhana became a prefect and hannah's the class commediene..
'longest' classmates
kun and xxian. we've all been in 'e5' for 4 yrs. so diao!
being a class furniture
was in class comm for a few yrs but i make a really bad class furniture, vice or otherwise. but thank you to classmates who picked me, cos i got cca points as a result, which gave me bonus pts for entry to jc (despite deteoriating results)! still unable to organise activities and make announcements well though..
Mr Edmund Lim (sec1 comp studies): quite a nice tcher but he can sometimes go mad/crazy. labbit was infatuated with him, HAHAHA NO LA!
Ms Susan Tee (sec3/4 physics): dedicated and loves to pile us with notes. Appeared strict/doesnt smile when we first met her but came to joke around when we know her better. this is a really good tactic to earn students' respect.. cos if u joke joke at first, students will jus keep talking when u teach. but hers is strict to always-suppressing-her-laughter-humour. no wonder clas still keeps quiet when she teaches. sab is warning: "dont UM CHIO! (dun laugh in the dark)" also likes to call me to help her sort out stuff ahhaha.
Ms Yeo (sec4 amath): She's very eccentric but i like her way of teaching.. she's very steady and plans her stuff very well, so all of us can finish the syllabus before olvl!
Tried out my hand at selling uniform in mx school ['05] and also giving peel and win cards at the airport ['06]. thanks to mx and kd's intro.
Jay craze
peaked in 2004, was kinda devastated that i cldnt attend his 'incomparable' concert. but nvm he helped me to start on my savings plan.. i must go for at least one of his concerts (mayb nxt yr?!) .. but i fear the noise cos my ears hate loud noises.
last but not least thanks to the sch for providing enrichment courses like guitar (though i still chao lan4), rollerblading and phonetics! plus tchers for their teaching and guidance!
hope everyone has a happy new year's eve. enjoy the last day of 2006.
Friday, December 29, 2006
ogling at shuai ge watching tw idol drama, working for a week, going out with friends.. and not upgrading myself. or trying to improve some subjects like chinese. and leading an extremely sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, feeding on (no, not leavings and garbage of the british system in 'English Teacher') oily, salty, fattening food .. without EXERCISING which is really one of my more impt plans for this dec vacation. hey wait! one accomplishment: i started (and finished?) my harrypotter scrap book yay! and watched 5movies (2 of which i dun understand ie matrix2 and 3)! HAHA.. planned to watch loads of kdramas/movies but didnt.
currently, these are the shows i wanna watch if i have the time:
The Rose -- because I've read the comic and the show seems quite nice.. plus Joe Cheng's inside! but i have to wait for 2 more years because of its M18 rating.. and by then the show will be like 6 years old already!
Love Contract -- heard it's not bad and Mike He definitely looks better here than in Devil Beside You.
Jewel in the Palace -- because it's such a hit and it looks like a heartwarming story with no cheesy loveydovey things.
One Liter of Tears -- which looks like it's able to induce one to cry buckets, but im more attracted to the fact that it has only 10 episodes, which means it will be finished soon!
and cew jus called to say TJ called her.. and say what we must assemble at auditorium at 7am, i think. plus bring 22 bucks for some orientation pack, and extra clothes. so scary and i've not recieved the call yet! my hands and feet were sweating when she told me.. hahaa dunno why but im like xtremely nervous for school. hope the games will not be too difficult or scary hahaha..
and havent really decided what subjects to take. kd was telling me abt the MJ's KI and Lit.. the teachers say what students taking them must be able to speak well. oh no im really a bad public speaker ): thinking of trying KI for 1st 3 mths but it sounds very intidimating.. some more i flipped through my sis' econs book and it looks so boring and difficult! and read the PAE book agn.. to my horror, tj says students taking clep must offer H3 chinese, and one of the test papers is to compose a prose/poetry/commentary?! but nvm.. 1st 3 mths won't have all that i think.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Watched this vid before i watched hanakimi and i didn't recognize 小天 who acted as 申乐 in hana (though sis keeps insisting)! 小综 is co-hosting this valentine's day special with him and he's a little niang. hahaa
on hanakimi epi5. moving on to ep6. i must say the show has got many goodlooking ppl. even 央央 also quite handsome! but im not crazy over any of them (yet?). :D
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
This morning I watched the above korean movie borrowed from sab. (im HAPPY to announce I finally finished watching Matrix and TypeB!! watching shows seems like a duty -.-) It is about this girl Hami (Han Jin Hye) meeting this guy XX (forgot his name.. acted by Lee Dong Gun) by accident and they become a couple. Hami believes it's destiny but her friend disapprove of their relationship because of XX's bloodtype. According to her, men with bloodtype B are the worst. And XX really is quite a jerk. Lee Dong Gun got quite dark eyebags, i think he should sleep more. The show is quite light-hearted but Hami's friend is a little cranky. The funny thing is *SPOILER*XX is afraid to ride on buses as he had a near death experience on one before and he says he's sad that all Hami wants is a "boyfriend whose shoulder she can lean on in buses". *END SPOILER* haha. [Rating: B3]
满城尽带黄金甲 by Zhang Yi Mou
In the afternoon, went to TM to meet kd, sab and sheng jie to watch 'Curse of the Golden Flowers'. Main plot is Empress had affair with Crown Prince and the Emperor wants to poison her. I must say that the setting and props are really good: where did they get so many thousand pots of chrysanthemum flowers? Crown Prince looks like Huo Jian Hua. Gong Li acted really well, think Jay's acting improved too (his quote "At one point I was killing everyone who approached me" kept surfacing in my head) .. and kd kept making lots of jokes throughout the movie eg " 帅哥死了!" There are ALOT of people (the black ninja assasins are quite cool) acting as soldiers. I don't believe the director didn't use CGI (though China really got a huge population). The plot is a little confusing, weird thing is everyone starts to kill each other just becos of the affair?!
*SUPER SPOILERS*er Emperor angry, i can understand.. then empress doesnt want to die so easily, so she wanna plot and stage rebellion so prince jai (2nd prince acted by jay) instead of crown prince gets throne, prince jai helps empress cos she's poisoned and she's his mother, little prince kills crown prince cos he jealous wanna get throne, emperor angry; kills little prince, jai gets caught, emperor says he can avoid punishment for staging rebellion if he feeds mum medicine (ie poison) daily, jai commits suicide so he doesnt have to do that.*ENDS SUPER SPOILERS*
hmm this movie is really quite a tragedy. Ending of movie got Ju Hua Tai by jay, plus lyrics and translation! we can start singing kbox inside already, to the melody of jay's crispy clear words. But the movie keeps one in suspense at every moment because one doesn't really know what's gonna happen next. That's the good thing. But the battle scenes are a little violent.. and it's rated PG. I think NC16 and above will really be quite scary lo..[Rating: A2]
dunno why comp keeps lagging recently (cant upload pics).. sigh school's gonna reopen soon. scary, new environment and people! hopefully can settle in quite well. Next movie I wanna watch is deathnote2!!
edit: finally photobucket can be used! (:
Monday, December 25, 2006
(airport pics) well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to xmas babies -- sab, yag and amelia! this song is stuck in my head (just 2 lines though): MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY, 快快快实现所有神奇!
here's hoping santa will drop you some nice presents~
This Yuletide festival is all about feasting. I ate so much today! This Christmas has been fun... though I did not recieve any presents.. well actually i did...Jay's Huang Jing Jia CD+MV Dvd! sis and I bought the same present for each other! :O And it costs $22.90 at CD Rama.. that's why we split the cost (: (did i trick u -- have a feeling i didnt; the point is we shared a gift)
decadent feasting:
morn: 2 slices of bread, one egg with runny yolk, one cheese egg, tea
lunch: i gave sis a hershey choc today (err it was on offer, shhh :X) so she treated me to lunch. sirloin steak at EP foodcourt! $7.50, so i 'made a profit'. but the steak was a little hard (felt like i was gg through a chewing exercise) and the fries too loaded with sodium, plus the price shld be lower haha. then we shared watermelon juice. and i couldnt resist kfc's icecream offer of 'buy one get one free'. so i ate a Chocolate dip cone (45cents only). then we went to windowshop around at EP (there're so many new clothes store) .. but the clothes look really similar and a lot of stores have this 'Kosit' brand of shorts -.-
dinner: some kind of crispy popiah/indian jian1 bing3 with lettuce, tomato and honeybakedham. then rojak at 8plus.
eating is love. but gaining fat is not ):
watched epi 2 of hanakimi.. really funny, i feel it's better than iswak (maybe becos the characters are not portrayed as complete idiots, like xiangqin is supposed to be). or maybe it's because im watching only 1 ep a day or less. i like ella's acting.. i quite like the quirky characters in the show too (makes me want to read comics). i hope the rest of the show will be just as good. wow girl-act-as-guy shows r always popular. egs include, hua mulan, she's the man, twelfth night, hana!
iswak special was really nice though. now i understand the effort required to make an idol drama.. just for a fishball scene, everyone has to go through 20+ NG freeze frames, and da dong nearly (or maybe he did) vomitted on his noodles. hahaha
Friday, December 22, 2006
so im on epi1 only. and i think this show's funnier than iswak (hopefully no cheap humour). and i like da dong more and more though i think his character is still like ah jin in iswak -.- the same exaggerated expressions (being the comic character he is). ella is really likeable (more than lin yi chen in iswak anw) .. it's really funny when she puts up a male voice and tries to convince the ppl around her that she's a guy. (this kinda reminds me of 'she's the man' .. oh well) . the show is quite fast-paced, in my opinion aft watching epi1. i hope it'll not be another draggy drama.
there seems to be a lot of shows and movies featuring gays in recent times.. dunno why. think 'brokeback mountain' started the 'trend'.another nice gif made by twentynine on well it's for all chunnie fans (tt's wat they call him). think kd?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
i must say.. the ending was not very satisfactory.
well this was from a jc-net post.. just copy over plus added words..
i especially detest the way the goodlooking males are dressed up as brides. so ugly! especially zhishu -- he looks super gay and his tube top is like falling off. at least wuren still looks MAN in his bridal dress.
the girls look ok, and quite nice. i was looking forward to seeing zhishu wearing a handsome tux.
i wasnt really touched by the sad scenes. in one scene i thought zhishu looked like a vegetable man.
it was that scene when he said he'll join his dad's company instead of pursuing his dreams of becoming a doctor. xiangqin was crying beside him. the camera was waiting for zhishu to cry but no tears came. so it panned away and he looked like a vegetable.
i was only sad for ahjin. he's my fav character in the show. always protecting xiangqin and not giving food (v funny) to those chasing her.
but one cool thing about the ending is that they made references to the MVs zheng yuan chang acted in! lol.. i only recognize jitashou (guitarist by cheer chen) and yezi (leaf by ah sang) though. i think i didnt really enjoy the ending (which was quite hard to laugh cos the dressing was terrible) cos of spoilers too?! cos sis managed to guess what happened so there were like no surprises for me alr. she even guessed the brides thingy! pei4fu2! also i shldnt have watched the NG scenes excitedly on youtube before i finished the show (they were included in the vcd too!).
but somehow i think the show is better than devil beside you (DBY).. i dunno why i didnt really like DBY.. maybe cos of school stress and the show got many subplots. jus realised iswak like doesnt have subplot. haaa only some 'canafares' coming in to ruin zhishu+xiangqin's relationship. but they were gotten rid of pretty quickly.
the best part of iswak is still ep7part1. guess my rating of the show will be around 65++/100. anw this show got quite a lot of eyecandy.
there's gonna be iswak2. which may be a draggy show. think they gonna film married life and challenges faced by zhishu as a doctor?! and maybe love lives for other chars. o.o
today went kbox with sis. we were late for 15mins cos initially we thought we'd not be gg becos of the rain. my singing was terrible but sis was encouraging. we sang many duets which were not melodious to the ear (spoilt by me). our most successful duet is 梁山伯与朱丽叶 and we were practically shouting through 臭男人 which is a good song. lunch was delicious. i had breaded fish, sis got teriyaki chicken. menu everyday consists of fish and chicken cooked in diff ways. but cucumber and seaweed on rice = friggin salty >.< but they also gave us a huge sotong + mango pudding :D yum. oh and i tried to beatbox using a mic but it wasnt very successful (learnt it from jay online). then we headed to Parkway to buy gifts. kbox fee=$11.10.
recently everywhere i hear xmas songs. "all i want 4 christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth..." i tink it is the reason why i dreamt i had a missing front tooth one night.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
also changed link for the NQMM song. but sometimes might have prob... eye suffering from fatigue. i wan a screen filter.
i know why The Rose is rated M18 alr. saw the mv got 2 guys kissing. ok i shall watch it 2 yrs later. it looks quite nice. seriously zheng yuan chang4 sometimes make me think he's gay. haaa but it'll be such a waste if he is cos he's shuai! so choy x 3!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
beard papa cream puff $2 -- very nice
auntie anne's chocolate mint pretzel $2.40 -- do not buy.. friggin sugary not very nice also
uzumaki green tea ice cream $4 -- first taste = bitter. after that like normal icecream lo, not much taste
jollibean bottled soya bean milk $1.80 -- nice
jollibean choc cheese pancake 3pc $1.20 -- not bad
also tried sab's icecream and the green ice cake 'whose' flavour we cannot fanthom and which she bought from the korean grocery at cineleisure.
also met 2 stars -- shawn (sp?) who's michelle chia's boyfriend. the one who endorses Crocodile.kd spotted him but regretted not taking photo. at first i thought kd was referring to I Not Stupid de Shawn Lee. then i very excited. another one is the female host.. dunno her name. kd everyday see stars lo.
cldnt find shinhwa photobook. will go kino agn. prolly with feli. :D sab scratched her arm at the HMV escalator. ouch. kd was gg crazy, keep saying 爱到in the ugly voice. she kept saying dao1 instead of dao4 and i also became mad. heard jay's curse of golden flrs and farenhait's ai dao. kino got joe cheng's book. but it's on bball i think. cew also watching ISWAK on scv! cool. tmr not gg psch clas gathering (though it's at EP, so NEAR!) cos like nt many ppl gg. i will sit in my couch and finish ISWAK and watch repeat of Star Awards YAY!
ytd i finished a few pages of my harrypotter scrap. big articles not included though. quite like my effort. ha! :D
enjoy the nice song below!! plus one crazy spoof (to kd: must watch cos got da dong!)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
my life nowadays mostly revolve around reading the newspapers, eating, sleeping, watching tv (superstar), watching 惡作劇, and occasionally going out with friends. really think 大東 who's acting as 阿金 is really quite funny though sometimes his actions are silly. but he's got a nice smile. also i know why mx said when 小綜(鄭元暢) smiles it's quite ugly. because he got 虎牙(new word i learnt -- vamp teeth i think) and it makes it seem like there are gaps btwn his teeth. no wonder i seldom see him smile with teeth revealed. poor him can only give pursed lip smiles! i also learnt the 成語 -- 黔驢技窮 (which means sth like you've revealed all your skills alr?! oops :X) from the show.
dunno why my comp super lag nowadays. mayb overwork from watching ISWAK! *hugs comp* the ISWAK im watching are actually burnt vcds.. some parts will hang and i have to skip minute by minute.
i think after finishing ISWAK i'll not watch any drama for quite some time, cause it takes me quite long to finish one drama... and all i think about everyday is trying to finish it. the feeling again and again came upon me that as i was nearing seventeen i should cease to live like a cow and do something more meaningful. ok i stole the quote from The English Teacher except that Krishna is not that young. -.-
speaking about meaningful, i just sorted out my harrypotter articles and i must say there are quite a lot! cool! it will be the first scrapbook im gonna make. the file is bursting with jay and hp articles now. pocket folders are amazing. i cant do jay scrapbk cos the info is just too much!! way too many articles and magazines. thanks to kd's donation 2 yrs ago, i got more than 2 box files worth of jay mags. mayb i can sell them off one day .. ?!?!
also, today i recieved phone calls from 5 people -- kd, sab, mx, feli, cew! amazing! and both sab and feli wanted to 約我出去 (go on a date with me -- NO LA). kd called excitedly early in the morning to tell me she got into MJ (congrats! and it sounds like many ppl got in there too). then she helped me check out the school i got posted to... and tadah it's TJ! later i found out cew and yuting also there too! cool i thought like no one is going there la! tt means i will be in the same school as cew for at least 10 years and 3 mths. is that not DIAO! :D
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
and i'm still watching ISWAK (it started with a kiss) and ep7 part1 is FRIGGIN FUNNY! cos there was this scene at the dinnertable where the two fathers were trying to mock and challenge each other on whose tennis skills better. and suddenly they were like not following their script anymore, simply making up their own jokes. and 直樹 totally broke out of his character and began laughing madly. his laughter is so gay and super funny and sis and i were laughing like shit. i think it was meant to be an NG scene but the scene was so funny i think the director decided to keep it. and even the mother and 相琴 (they even shared a private joke) were laughing uncontrollably!!
if you got about 10mins to spare, you can go watch the video at youtube!!
the dinner scene is at around 04:40. funny scene around 05:47. mayb u can watch a bit of the starting first, cos 直樹 is meant to be this cool guy who seldom laughs. only sometimes give biantai evil grin to spite others HAHA. and sis went to search ISWAK NG scenes.. haaa can hear his mad laughter again!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
haaa so im at ep4 currently. but kept criticising the show w/ sis. haaa it's kinda silly and cos i've alr watched the jap one b4 so roughly know the happenings. but the tw one has less episodes of schlife i tink. the leads are all good-looking. the male lead 直樹 seems a little 變態 in the show and he alr likes 相琴 from ep4. tt's diff from the jap one. cos the jap guy is alw indifferent and cold to the girl. until the end. tw idol drama alw got loads of romance -.- but maybe i'll survive through the whole show b4 reviewing it further.
bsides this im also trying to finishing my 3rd part of matrix. matrixI's currently the best. cool fighting scenes and storyline! but partII got no subtitles so straining to understand what the characters are talking became a chore to me and i started pressing "skip" haaa. tt's why we shld alw buy dvds, if not hard for me to understand.
also watched 2ep of 'my girl'. lee joon ki really looks like a cat. so many shows! but i tink i'll try to finish 'kiss' first.
weirdly i alw feel like im wasting precious time of my life watching shows!!
ytd watched 紅星大獎 and they invited 鄭元暢和郭品超!屌!and kendraloh is SO LUCKY!! today, she met... JOE CHENG at the airport! 鄭元暢大帥哥 (budden hor, it's quite hard to find a good photo of him on the net. strange)!mx says when zheng smiles, he's very ugly. 哪裏會!ytd at the awards show he's still so good looking la! why mich sack me so early! i wanna see him too! but he declined taking photos w/ kd. (i'll be jealous if he did HAHA) and...
pretty patty hou too! and even took pic with her!! so COOL MAN! she's such a gracious host. elegant too!
by the way, i also quite like 大東(sp?) in the show. he's the guy on the left.
at 紅星大獎, mr 黃義良 totally tensed up the atmosphere.
ms ruien and mrs zoe tay look so sad. i think mrs tay looks sad because she seems to be out of the limelight, immediately after getting the All-Time-Fav award. :X
mr guo pin chao looks nervous but mr zheng yuan chang looks quite calm. but he looks kinda mad at the interview with peifen. kept staring at the camera when the cam is not ready to chng scene! HAHA!
mr francis ng kept arching his eyebrows and mx says he seems to suggest tt the actresses are not pretty asking them if their beauty that night was due to the effect of cosmetics which reminds me of Twelfth Night (scene of viola with olivia).
the 3 tw presenters (one of them 九孔) spent quite a lot of time cracking jokes which i (and maybe the audience there too)don understand. mr ben yeo looks quite scared when they asked him a qn. the stars must be thinking, "spend so much time joking, nv give me time to say my 'thank you' lines!" mr jiukong totally livened up and 'informal-ized' the atmosphere with his madness.
mr guoliang keeps cutting off the winner's thankyou lines cos show overrunning.
mr christopher lee looks so solemn.
mr zhang jia hui looks quite perky, and even teased mr guo liang. ms xuanxuan looks v pretty but kept laughing weakly at mr zhang's antics.
ms patty hou looks pretty too and is quite an accomodating co-host.
ms-dunnowatshername (the one who acted in 'rhapsody in blue') has a very nice red dress!
mr adriano looks so sunshine at the 校園superstar concert.
my simcard no$ le. so might not reply. mus topup soon!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
today met kd to get the free starbucks coffee again which is actually a nice initiative by starbucks to attract donations for the Salvation Army. (i donated $2 la) So kd and i ordered the above, which was a new holiday drink i think. Tall-sized, OP=$6.30! i know why so ex.. drink alr feel quite full, like eat meal like tt. so the $6 is actually paying for meal -.- last yr we went and i drank Caramel Cappucino. wahaa.
there was quite a queue. but we were there quite early. even at 4.40pm there was like nobody! then kd and i kept lurking around. came back at around 4.52pm .. a queue had formed. and the efficient person started to take orders. ulu eastpoint's starbucks best place to queue! v quickly we got our coffee (: EP has become hip, even kd says so. but the clothes are quite ex. they shld lower the price! but i fear for the businesses there becos i dun really see many ppl at EP shopping. haa.
recently i feel like i've donated quite abit of $. for example today i also donated $2 to some guy helping this little girl.. i also dunno help wat la. then tt day i was approached for donations and $2 flew away too. i found out tt i was wearing the same clothes when i donated! the samuel+kevin shirt and 3/4jeans. must be accumulating quite a bit of good karma HAHA. pi4 la. maybe the ensemble is a donation-can magnet.
recently i find photoblogging kinda fun.. but the downside is the comp is quite lag. eg when editing photos (i only adjust size la, dont have photoshop ma)
today played Monopoly with di and i went bankrupt again.
tues: I went back to school with sab to help Ms Tee. it was quite tiring. this time we had to sort out some more papers and many old science books. besides sorting we had to put the old stuff into boxes and bring them downstairs for recycling. (up and down..! )which was such a waste! should donate to lib.. but ms tee didnt know how.but we seem quite authoritative cos ms tee lent us her pouch and we could enter the HOD and staff room anytime :D bwaha. mrs taufik (i tink) seems quite shocked: "who gave u all the permission to enter the staff room?" i 'cooped' a phy tb hm, a pack of chem cards, some phy transparency, and some weird photoframe paper thingy. was sweating like mad.. smelly.
this is sab trapped behind a growing pile of books and the cupboard door in the staff room. told her to stop taking but she wouldn't listen.
immediately after i took the above photo, all the books came crashing down (you might have to tilt your head)! soon we were surrounded by mountains of books.
this is my piano teacher.
playing piano (not me). sab tried to teach me some jay songs. but i was feeling the piano stress! cos kinda difficult! i dunno how to read notes yet.. as in i need quite a lot of time. haaa but at least i learnt some left hand tactics.. like if i see what Cm, i will just play CFC (i tink) for left hand.
also took some pics at the flag pole. hahaa normally cannot go up there one you know!
i dunno why but recently i keep feeling some kind of pressure build up in my ears. it reminds me of the experience of sitting in the middle train going to changi airport..
Saturday, December 02, 2006
this little boy jumped into the pic and started to dismantle the bridge i just built. (but actually fault lies with me. my cam shutter too slow la, haa "my bad", like what the tourist says) finally, my perfect bridge!
Friday, December 01, 2006
*****light says shiori killed by kira when it's actually naomi.. unless they all suspect kira's behind it la...********
and the characters are a bit not v well-developed?! well who am i to criticise .. maybe i just dun really understand them. kira starts to kill anyone who gets in his way just so he won't get caught?! anyway my fav char is L (whom i keep getting mixed up with Light cos their names start with the same letter) who's smart and cool and just can't stop eating! HAHA the food he eats makes me hungry too! the poster shows them looking really shuai and mysterious but when i watch the show i find them ok la.. maybe cos of the quality? i always thought that Light/Kira (on the left of the movie poster) looks like daniel radcliffe in the poster. but overall, the plot is kinda interesting and unique.
kun says tmr aft shrek, there will be Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix trailer!! rmb to watch on chn5 tmr!