the fourth song on my playlist is jay's new duet with fei yu qing!! interesting combination right.. recently everyone's gg 中国风 and duet-ty!
Today we had Zany Parade.. our last in sec sch! We didn't really prepare for it though..
today i had eng olvl oral. i was feeling a little nervous..
Recently this is how I feel:
yay I improved in all stations except sit and reach.. 39cm still the same. The strangest thing is that after napfa on mon, I got muscle aches for three continuos days afterward but today I feel terribly fine even though retest was ytd! weird~
the beginnin of the song doesn't quite sound like the typical jay.. and the middle part when fei yu qing suddenly comes on gave me an oldie feel. the instruments playin at the start gives it a mystical feel. sis has a interestin interpretation.. she feels that this song sounds like a young person sing till he's old.. COOL!
but there's this chorus of voices which sounds like a singing tactic alr used in 发如雪.
i feel dehydrated recently.. my lips r cracking ): yingqi is so caring! she sent a sms sayin: "xx, rmb to drink water!" haha
was studyin ss. and i fell asleep from 10+am to 12+ pm. gosh.. and later 有话就说 will be recorded at eastpoint!! d cool!! i mite go and watch.. skali u c me on tv :D HAHA
what abt ss..
Saturday, August 19, 2006
woke up at 5.20am when my dream-inducing hp beeped away my sleep at 5.15am. I'm usually not such an earlybird when going to school la. Kind kendra decided to give up sitting comfortably in jingchun's car to go to east coast park with me by taking 31! ty!
The theme for sec4s this year is 'Superheroes'. And my class chose: Mermaid Man and Barnacle boy (whom I've never heard before until X-country) from Spongebob SquarePants show! Except the runners, nearly half of the class was assigned to do Mer man and Barn boy. I'm supposed to be the sulky one in the above pic.
But our superhero super don't look like the original. Think no one could tell what ulu character we doing.. haha.
Comparisons (pirated one is me; and im assuming the pic is the original):
Original -- white sailor cap
Pirated -- small blue 'cap' stuck onto head by clip (thank you to yuting who made it for us!)
O -- black strip at eyes
P -- planned to wear goggles. But I tried it at night ytd, so uncomfortable so just wore specs today
O -- blue scarf
P -- I took sis' green/white 'sash(?!)' but used Yuting's woollen scarf today.. lent syahidah mine. it was so friggin hot.. we're like living in some winter world?! Kun was using a blue towel. She really looks like a jogger hahaa
O -- long sleeved red blouse/shirt
P -- short sleeved OP red shirt
O -- Dark blue gloves
P -- We actually planned to tie blue plastics around our hands.. we'd look fingerless.but we didn't in the end. I think yuting used blue socks.
O -- Black shorts
P -- Black track pants
O -- blue boots
P -- we tied blue plastic bags around our shoes which made me feel like a clown.
It was v hot, and I drank 3 cups of milo. had to change in the field but thankfully, pinafores do wonder~ can change shorts conveniently. went hm with sab n kd who took same bus as me. found out no lunch at home so went to Hola to eat Ban Mian (which made me perspire so much!). Cos the auntie there was so very nice ytd when I offered to buy 4 blue plastic bags frm her but she gave it to me free.
that's all.. alot of mermaid men seem to be absent today. Congrats to joanne who got 1st for x-ctry! steady ah!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
thank u to kd's 周董 keychain, gd luck charms aka 烂辣糖 lol and all the other wishes from other ppl. i even bought the Irony Chocolate Mint 'specially' for oral. Ok I had been eyeing it for quite some time due to its lovely golden box (really pretty) and interesting name which made me feel it was what every lit student should possess - IRONY mah.. but was put off by the price: $3.40.. at 7/11. the mints were rather tasteless. dunno who said it doesnt taste like choc n it doesnt taste like mint too, haaa tink it was yag. tink i paid $2.90 for box and 50cents for mints.
kirstie all the way to farhana.. that's our grp. we were yakking away b4 our turns.. then we also saw yag. she was v animated and the tchers were laughing at what she was sayin. her voice was quite loud cos we cld hear! (gee alerted me to it) haha so it was quite funny :D
the 'superviser' mumbled sth when i sat down. i thot she said "dun turn over" or sth.. so aft i glance thru the passage which was on food delivery, i asked her if i can flip. she did not seem to hav heard me cos she was quite buried in her book. finally she said "ya ya can!" i m quite silly : (aft tt i found out from berenice that what she was saying was to tell us not to take out the paper from the plastic cover -.-) then i flipped over and saw the pic..
was going to start with step 1: describe scene. too hard cos it was a pic of a van (main focus) with three ladies (one whose gender was quite ambiguous?! cos kun said 'she' was a guy HAHA).. i was quite nervous.. didnt know how to start.
the supervisor declared "5mins left" (we got 10min preparatn time) i was like"huh why so fast?!" in my heart cos when i looked at others, they seemed to have a long time to prepare..
then as i left to take the oral, i banged quite loudly against the table. OOPs :x
then i arrived.. the 2 tchers were laughing, prolly after sharing some private joke.. so i read the passage, conciously pronouncing all the t's and stuff.. only till the end did i finally realise what the passage was abt. The parents' friends were the delivery ppl! :X oops am i slow. n my tone seems abit monotonous! oh no~ hope not la..
then i talked abt the pic.. one of the teachers (ms dark.. the darker one la) asked me wat i felt the lives of the 2 ladies will be.. so i said 'busy' blah.. then convo.
1) wat is ur fav eating place? (home healthy home -- inspired by kd to give ‘另類’qns.. cos she answered "walking" for ytd's qn of "wat is ur fav mode of transport?" or sth) but when i thot abt it at home.. my ans seemed quite boring :X
2) where will u take ur fren to eat? //alt qn which i didn't get: what is ur fav food?
immediately i thot of sec2 sakae buffet! so i jus crapped abt that...
3) if u can choose, will u rather be your own boss or an employee?
i was shocked. cos first thot in my mind, "isn't that mx's prelim oral qn??!' then 'nxt time i wanna b tcher, shld b employee ba' .. so i said employee. cos poor leadership skills :x
ok tt's all. the examiner on the right did all the talking (ms dark).. she was v polite. becos there was once she went, "sorry sorry, did u wan to say sth?" cos she was abt to ask another qn and i was stil mumbling. haha~ the one on the left jus listened and both had to bear with my sour yellow-teethed smile :D
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Maybe I should have used a "murdered person" instead.cos i feel so dead (cx3).
It's all becos of prelim. the workload's so heavy nowadays.. actually i have only myself to blame. i told myself after mye, i will not let 历史重演 aka I will not study last minute again. Yet it's 2wks away to SS and I've not touched a single page. Sheet.
And ms tee says this wk there's gonna be a phy mock ppr for us to do. stress I haven finish revising!! last wk she went "i tink some of u hav nt even started ur revision yet, or are only at chp 1" and she kept looking at me in the speech (at least tt's where i tink she was looking) i felt ashamed and did not dare to look at her ): and wang lao shi said we're supposed to learn the entire 4B syllabus of chinese words by tmr which I remembered only today!! and mrs hoe's giving us a lit ca on the eng tcher!! n i've not got to chp2!! and it's a friggin 9pm now.
i was so productive ytd la.. whole day did chem ws and amath hw. but today i did not do a single thing. felt 2 tired!~
I was rather depressed and so i went to ntuc to buy some biscuits (digestive) and meiji milk (read about scholichis -sp?- and decided to stock up on my calcium intake).. and also a bar of hershey cookies n cream to cheer me up. but ended up broke and feelin even more unhappy. haha
k btr nt crap le. stressed up!! buckbeak shall fly (???) meanin i will buck UP (fly ma..).
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Cher, kun, yuting, sam and me were the only ones decked out in green, at least among our classmates. cher kept sayin we very 'extra', but at least I tried to borrow ethnic k, just that the person couldn't lend and the other didn't reply. we're the UNIFORM group (: but it's ok, the hardest part to go through was during class (10min), aft tt had a class photo (but i was thinkin I'd ruin the ethnic-look the class had with my greenie). reasoned if we tried to escape we'll draw more attention, so decided to hide behind and "bang" others (posing la).
Next up was the concert.. we had to sit through a series of singalong sessions by our gutsy juniors. They're really very brave.. but some of their self-composed songs were a bit weird-tuned. But it's ok, it's a step to greater things. The band was the best la, obviously. The drummer is so ON. She played the "drumroll" immediately when they were announcing the results for best dressed teachers or whatever (and mr yap won for his gold 'bathrobe'!! LOL.. kun and sihui were going 很丑,很恶心 which for some reason I find very funny). Aww makes me wanna pick up some musical instrument too so I'd not be so talentless. Watchin superband has also piqued my interest in bands! :D
And this year's audience were like so cold (can be cold-hearted or 冷场). At least in our area.. everyone was standing up except us la.. so unsupportive. (but i did stand up for some parts. even tho i sat, i sang) *defends oneself*
Eng olvl is coming soon. I hope I can brush up on my english, targeting spoken one first.
tmr is national day! Happy 41st birthday, singapore! 祝你身体健康! (也就是祝大家平安与健康..)
No one sent me any memes ("meems") which i read abt in Digital Life but this is one of my Fav singaporean identities:
-Chinglish (chinese+singlish) !!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Anyway I think I completed my Bronze collection for secsch HAHA :"D Those " are whiskers.
p.s/ i passed my pullup on the dot! and I got A for shuttlerun!! yay!! I've not seen that A since p6 I think WOOHOO!