emath paper was not too good cos i spent the last ten minutes of my time swatting a fly/bug which kept flying to me away!! i was actually working on two unfinished qns (dun really know how to do) and the fly charged at me and i had to swat it away with my exam papers.. made me so 汗流夹背.. the fly kept flying around in circles, (dun wanna go anywhere) and even burrowed itself into a hole at my table!!! in front of me in the
Recently came home to find that the living room was bathed in brighter-than-usual light. DEFORESTATION IN THE HEARTLAND! Up till now, I still do not know the rationale behind the cutting of trees. Are we running out of paper?? Hope not.. therefore, everybody, repeat after me: RECYLCLE, REUSE, REDUCE!! Or are they planning to bring new species of trees in? Below are photos taken using sis' hp (shld not have used digital zoom; pics turn out blur) from the balcony window in the sunny morning! Heng, these trees have been spared. The neighbourhood looks much better with blooming flowers and blossoming nature. (the trees look abit like icecream, can pluck and eat :X) Tree:"我已經夠慘了,葉子被人偷,樹枝被人砍,現在你還要吃我!!(爲什麽我説話是用繁體字的)" My vocab is really quite limited (standard is like stuck at p6; boohoo) brainstorming for words connected with nature: glory, austere(? oops the dic seems to say it means simple and plain..), evergreen, majestic, evil (ok this is for human nature.. -.-)
I think I can go nominate ms tee for most caring tcher.
It's time to start experimenting again! This time, it's got something to do with ...middle near-the-end of exam!
hist was the worst.. not becos the qns were too difficult, cos out of the six essay qns (parts a and b will count as 2 essays), we've done two before!! so i roughly know... but they were part b) qns and i didn't study for the part a) one so dunno how to write. then i did the cold war one and part a) i also dunno what to write .. and my part b) might be out of point too. cos i only studied 2 out of 6 chaps for this paper!! i got like so much time to write the essays la (first time) cos i dunno what to write. AHHH. all the fault should go to me la.
didnt put in my best effort for the MYE, which is "not being fair to myself and the teachers". i really need to work harder!!
aft mye, sab, feli and me went tm to shop for sheng jie's present. i was acutally thinking of treating myself to a scattered lunch (ie, buy things from diff stalls and eat) but in the end, i settled on a bowl of taiwan mee sua by one-of-them's recommendation. weird taste and there were four oysters which tasted like "hum" (half cooked cockles?). and sab says that's not shilin. i've been cheated!! the food it sells are so similar to those at shilin's lor.. mayb the shilin meesua will be better.. but it's ok i've learnt from this experience.
dr william tan's talk was rather inspiring. i must have BIG GOALS! *aja aja!*
i think i was quite antisocial at ytd's cc training course. :X no good.
the 'indian house' game was quite fun, but i was running around in circles and being yelled at by melissa. me and sab discussed that the antisocial ones always survived the longest.. she said she stood at the edge of the game, and everyone thot she out liao but actually she was not. feli also survived v long but she said she was quite 'disconnected' with the team too.
melissa keeps shouting "你是猪啊你!!" very loudly nowadays.. i think one day im gg to retort with "你是牛啊你!!" (is it insulting to cows..?) or "谢谢你说我可爱"。
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Then found out trees were being cut down in the neighbourhood park, so more sunlight streaming in! Look at the remaining stumps of the once tall trees...
A closer look at the firelogs. (Seriously someone can go start a fire and start camping in the park)
The tree on the right (dunno how it became so nicely coloured with purple-tipped branches) is stripped of its leaves and parts of the branches!! Yesterday, saw this very nimble and agile man climbing up (without safety rope?) and sawing the poor limbs of the tree. Looks so bare now! How can the tree photosynthesize without its leafy head?
Friday, April 14, 2006
she actually called me to tell me the ans to phyphy (affectionately called) qns kun and I emailed her. But then again, she admitted her typing was quite slow so she decided to call (quite surprising, now that i tink of it; she should have aquired loads of experience since getting quite alot of practice typing phy notes for us alr waht.. but den agn she might be very modest)
she said she wil direct students who dunno e ans to the qns we posed to US (kun and me) shld need arises! scary!! hope i can stil rmb.. sometimes i find myself disagreeing with mathematical n scientific facts; mayb i m not a very scientifical person :/
will try my best. must not let the passionate and 激动 phyphy tcher down. geraldine said she wanted to tape down ms tee's inspiring speeches! haha
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I can see the words "what does milk and teeth have to do with your experiment!?" flying out of your head...
Well, my experiment is due to my desire to have whiter,more glistening,sparkling,light-reflecting teeth. And this is why I've embarked on a search for some morning beverage alternatives which I reckon will make my teeth less yellow. I hope.
Cause for like the past more than 8 years and counting, I've been drinking Lipton Tea (98% of the time) every morning, and occasionally milo(sab introduced me to drink milo without adding sweetener; not bad),coffee and milk. I suspect it was the tea that dunnit!! (lipton don't sue me; im just hypothesizing)
So now I'm going to drink milk for like 2 weeks continuously, continue to brush my teeth faithfully and do the occasional floss and hope the dentist will kao1 the black stuff out of my teeth soon. Last year I asked him to do it but he said something along the lines of him not possesing the nesecessary instrument... HMM .. Hope they'll be better equipped this time round :D
Oh ya back to milk. So i went NTUC to buy two 200ml Meiji milk for like $1.25! They are giving discounts becos I think the milk is gonna expire soon [16/4/06] ha. I thought I took chocolate and plain, but the former turned out to be coffee!!
Interesting. Hope coffee milk doesn't stain. Oh then I went home and saw a bottle of 2l milk in the refrigerator (plus some high fibre corn flakes).. Aiya waste my $$.. but nvm.
Hope the experiment is a success! And long live white teeth! -.-
p/s- searching for 'teeth' pics in Google is kinda scary. The moment I clicked 'enter', all the horrible pics of DECAYING / DECAYED tooth came up! EWWW! Rmb to add 'white' then more perfect-looking teeth will come up.