2005 flew past in a flash, I think 2006 will too.
I find my new midi rather sad... dunno why? I 'kooped' it from some neopets page.. neopets and me like v disconnected. ): long time nv go participate in my guild activities, only go there steal prizes from advent calendar yearly [if i rmb] ..
Today rainbowballoon got her first job! Helping out at ESSS with mx.
one more day and it'll be one month since the movie release of HPandGOF!
Hey Cewanne! (if u r here again haha)
actually wanted to review de. but then i watch so long already liao. too lazy to reveal. sommor all over the net got hp reviews.
Byebye to 2005 in 1 hr 5 min. Hello 2006 in 1 hr 5 min.
New Year resolutions:
-TRY to have no more last minute work 今日事该要今日必!
-Save more.
-Exercise more! (Shed those fat off my legs)
-Be more generous
-Keep in touch with friends
-nicer handwriting
-Take good care of eyes, back etc.
Will try to keep them. =
HAPPY; HEALTHY! To you and me! 2006 here we come!!!
Friday, December 30, 2005
anw i m supposed to be searchin for phy stuf ): bye.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
"Dumbledore’s “gleam of triumph” (GoF) will be enormously significant to Book 7. [Read the entire quote from the Leaky Cauldron, 2005] "
Can u believe it?? I also noticed this!! In GOF, which i read some years back, i also thought why his eyes gleamed.. at one point in the book. (i think i got discuss this with cew b4, long time ago) i tink the line was sth like 'harry thought he saw a gleam of truimph in dumbledore's eyes...' and that was when sth bad was happening/had happened (cant rmb) to harry, and dumbledore 'truimped' when he is definitely not supposed to!! VERY SUSPICIOUS.. and i remember wayyy back, when i log onto the HP official web, some fan posted this question, and jk said it was a very good observation. Now Leaky Caudron gave the above quote so I'm very happy I spotted it!! COOL!
Is dumbledore evil? or possessed? or is there more than what meets the eye?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
nah give you a present...
That's what Neopets gave for Christmas at the Advent calendar, comes with 900 NP and some cake or something! Go get yours!
Played HP Uno for a friggin loada hours... i whiled (?) all my time away... ): school's gonna reopen and i havent get ready anything!! ARBISH. My phy proj still haven do.
Anyway I had my second Harry potter dream today!! (as in I think I dreamt in the prev night..)
Let me extract from my school diary..[25/12/05]
"Dreamt of magic! I recall brandishing the kind of magic trick wand (anyway can't see my face, the view is the wand sticking out in front of me)..then I tried the 'reducto' spell! It worked but somehow, there's like this stove with fire, burning the object into something smaller?! Then I was shocked and excited like why spells can also work in real life. Then the object (cant rmb) caught fire and I kept saying 'Aguamenti!' -- the water charm. It didn't work and eventually have to put out the fire using common Muggle methods (4got how)..."
(thanks to feli for the cropping!) Interesting!! Cause I was reading halfblood ytd night, maybe HP just got into my head b4 i slept...
First harry potter dream:
"(I rmb the scene was in school void deck...)The night b4 dreamt of Harry pottter cast! Dan radcliffe, emma watson + rupert grint! Asked whether can 握手 with them and Dan looked at me weirdly (I think it was my english) Shook hands with all of them. Hugged Rupert twice! When I pulled away after the first hug, he pulled me back again to hug me! haha! :D ..."
I gave yag her halfblood, plus gummy,card,hat,and insta-snow!
Anw i bought insta-snow from toys r us. it was quite fun, alittle water is needed to fluff them up to 100x their orignal size! then i put in freezer and they kinda froze. then defrost. but they felt a bit like cushion when i sank my whole hand into the fake-snow-filled cup.. =
tis comp like friggin lag but at least can use -sayangs comp-
actually wanted to do a potter-themed 12 days of christmas song de.. but sis is cuiing me to faster use comp cos she needs to checkout her modules..
anyway have a fantabulous Yuletide, everyone, muggles and witches and wizards alike!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Firstly helped to usher the boys into the measurement room then asked them to buy uniform. Next, mx switched jobs with me and i went to help to do counter work.
The ushering was more 轻松。然后我就跑去帮忙卖校服。里面好像都是seniors。听阿美讲他们都好像毕业了。蛮紧张的。。有蛮多家长和孩子排队买校服。然后我去帮忙算账。那个计算机蛮难用的。因为当你打err, let's say 10.50 X 3 + 6.5 X 2, it will give you something big like over 200!!所以要一个一个慢慢打,不然就要用大脑做心算。有时计算机还不在场,就很flustered,要找笔来自己做working。还有时算错,恐怖。有时家长和我算的数目都不同,也是恐怖。怕他们骂ma..but actually most are rather understanding la, one even said: "你比我还跟紧张!" 然后蛮难的就是去找校服,因为堆积如山(其实他们有被arranged according to sizes into boxes la),还好有其他帅哥来offer help. (???)
打华文字真的有点累。 anyway i recieved $16 for this lor. we reached at like 7am. till 8am still no one come. then usher abit, and help out with uni. till 10am? friggin early la! and the parents kept asking me qns but i not very sure cause not from tt sch. ha. so anyway the 16 galleons is like work for 2hrs?
then went ah bu with mx. altho actually i wanted to go ikea with mum+sis de. haish.
but i like spent my galleons all away today? topup 5galleons. (potter fan using galleons to substitute for $ nowadays...) lunch4G. pres3G. pouch3G. like nearly gone?! ARBISH.
haven get sis xmas pressie. thnx for UNO! go go harry potter! (sing to tune of 'go go power rangers!'
anyway i have some theories on harry potter again.
1) could the horcrux be in ginny? cause i went library and flipped thru this ancient and torn apart Chamber of secrets, and saw Riddle telling harry that he fed a bit of soul into Ginny too cause ginny 'bared her soul' to him too?! So could the Horcrux be hidden inside her? And wld harry have to kill her to get the horcrux out? drama right.
2)will ron or harry die ? becos in book 3, trelawny said at the dinner table 'which of u boys stood up first?' as the first to stand will die?! and although she always seem to be quite hard to believe, but she did make the prophecy on voldemort/harry (altho i mus read this again) and some of her predictns came true in book 3. it might be possible!!! i dun wan the trio or the weaselys to die! will be very sad )':
--Status: re reading half blood. cause gonna return le.---
Serene (big, bold and italic for this faithful death eater; or dobby as she wants to be. happy? :D) tells me to write sth about me. ME = timid. and sleepy right now. (:
Friday, December 16, 2005
Had this layout for very long, but edited for very long too, that's why so late then change.
This year is potter craze. last yr was jay. =/ hmm.
and my font big big not style ah. for the sake of my eyesight (and yours) will make it big. easier to see. :D who cares style not style!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Which Harry Potter Series should I collect? I only got UK Bk 5 only. I like the US covers alot!!! Somemore the font title is pop-up one lor!! Very nice and unique.. but must be very careful not to scratch the surface away...
Just noticed a similarity:
The 3rd, 4th and 5th of Bloomsbury version look very fiery. And the last 3 books of Scholastic version all show Harry with a wand!
The Scholastic one is more uncommon, but one can find in Kinokuniya! Dunno where the first book is though, Ser says she spotted one in Parkway MPH sometime ago. JUST ONE!! They should import more - dun let it be extinct!!!
Fav cover = scholastic
But then hor, I saw in some websites that the US first editions got quite alot of mistakes?! And they change some british words into american 'counterparts' = eg, bangs [br] change to fringe [us].
So Im afraid JK Rowling's essence of the potter book might be lost with the changin of words.. (although only a few are changed) But what if a pot of potion becomes a bucket of potion? Ok.. that's too 夸张.
I wan the US cover with the British content!! Is that having your cake and eating it too?
Maybe I should just save up and wait till later when I accumulate more Galleons before buying..
P/S = My sis and her friends bought a WHOLE set of potter books for a birthday girl. Cost $112++?? 幸福小孩!不对,应该是幸福大人!二十一了mah!*envy*
Monday, December 12, 2005
Anyway I've gone for a few days without any revision or what. just entertainment, sims, diablo (completeD!), tv, books whatever.. and plain slacking. feeling uneasy.
and i found out i might have to redo heymath. so sian!! cus i like got alot of missing qns and i did a lot of snake and ladder even tho ms lui warned us not to. i sort of figured that the tchers wont collect but what if they DO? ahh timid me btr redo. ): waste paper and ink.
its potter craze now.
cewanne has some interesting theories on the idea that ah dum might not have died:
-the phoenix wil appear when dum is in trouble but it din appear
-snape can perform silent incantation while saying the killing curse (dun really get it? u mean he shld hav said avada silently?)
-the way he died is not like how cedric died (but maybe the Unforgivable curse cast by different wizards have different effects?)
I cant really rmb how cedric died.. but his body still there rite... look at this.
"..Dumbledore was blasted into air: for a split sec he seemed to hang suspended beneath the shining skull, then he fell slowly backwards, like a gr8 rag doll, over the battlements and out of sight..."[P556, HPandtheHBP, uk version]
Over the battlements let me think that he sort of flew into the air, then fell onto ground (not the tower ground) behind the tower ramparts.. oh yah his body is still there.. k im babbling, cause the phrase 'blasted into air' gives me the impression like those computer effects where the body dissolves into nothingless.. k so the body is also there.
oh and there's also a possibility that snape did not kill dum. or both sort of engaged 'emselves into this plot: as in dum agreed with snape b4hand that he(snape) shld kill him(dum) under specified conditions/circumstances? Has snape been on the dark side all along? Or is he really trustworthy like dum thought?
sis fren said maybe the 'please..' (dumbledore pleadin) might have meant 'please kill me...' or something?! still a possibility. the plot's getting more complicated..
and i found a lot of harrypotter fan sites!! great.. and some state loopholes and errors in the book. interesting.
u can check out a few.
Veritaserum: Let the truth be told!
JK Rowling's site
p/s - gd luck to yvonne for campus superstar.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
can go read xiaxue's one if u want. i heard she's directing her own HP movie.. she said that a true HP fan will not like Harry potter and GOF movie. oops. am i not a true hp fan.
everybody's criticising the movie. maybe that's why i go in with average expectations. but come out feeling quite happy on the whole. budden they cut out alot of parts. and suddenly the triwizard maze like the easiest challenge!? isn't it suppose to be the hardest? they didn't put in the monsters but the leaves just kept grabbing the contestants. i dunno whether this was in the books cause i read them a couple of years ago? cedric is good looking, even more so in the making-of-goblet [can see him smile bwaha].
i tink ron's dress robes look quite nice la. retro. the others all like wearing very modern. got quite a shock at first when parvati they all wear sari's. cause i din get the impression in the book. i saw their costumes on the potter website b4 watching the movie. so not much surprise. should not have peeked first. ahhh. a reviewer commented that it seemed like racial harmony day celebration haha. isn't hermione's hair supposed to be ultra-straight? they shld have rebonded it or something.
and there was this part when snape beat harry and ron's head. i didn't really get it. everybody was laughing. where is that place anywhere? are they doing homework or what?
i tink dan radcliffe acted rather well. like 2 days ago, just watched hp #1 vcd. he looked so SMALL and CUTE!!! herm and ron they all too!! so cute!! but now all grow up liao...
voldemort is the best compared to the other movies. the prev movies like not much threat. the #4 is the darkest. gd job. the first one dunno why u-know-who turned into fire and fly thru harry's bod. the second one quite strange too. 3rd like no have. so #4 best lor! the darkest!~
i tink they shld make the movie longer. then can include more things. but maybe they got some kind of budget problem also.
but i tink gof book is really pretty hard to adapt so they do until like that is very good liao. shld hav mor monsters in maze. moaning mrytle acted v well!! i always like her char in the movies.. esp the voice. ha. yep and poor mr-current-dumbledore, everyone seems to be criticising him. he keeps shouting all over the place lol.
and the merpeople really 出乎意料。我还以为它们是什么水里的怪物,原来是美人鱼!
导演和工作人员是有付出很多心思啦,可是电影还是可以更长一点,数码effects做的都不错,如果能加多一点书里的剧情,相信大家会更喜欢!尽情期待《哈里波特和凤鸟的吩咐》[harry potter and the order of the phoenix]电影。怎么翻译的这么难听?
happy hols to evryone. friggin. haven do phy proj.need a 7mem grp.ahh!